Personal Development

Together we believe, accomplish and achieve.

Our curriculum goes beyond academics; it’s designed to benefit both our local community and society at large. We promote values like tolerance, empathy, and environmental consciousness. Our goal is to empower our students to communicate confidently in an ever-evolving world. We prioritize the development of their moral, spiritual, social, and cultural understanding, preparing them effectively for life in contemporary Britain. We meticulously structure the essential knowledge that students require to become well-informed citizens in a constantly changing world. Our objective is to introduce them to the most profound thoughts and achievements of humanity, fostering an appreciation for human creativity and accomplishment.

Within our PSHE (Personal, Social, and Health Education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) curriculum, we equip students with the knowledge and skills to ensure their safety. They have the opportunity to delve into and discuss issues affecting both our local community and society as a whole. Our aim is for students to set high aspirations and make informed decisions about their future careers.

Our students also gain increasing knowledge about maintaining their physical and mental well-being, adopting healthy eating habits, and leading an active lifestyle. We facilitate their physical activity by offering a wide range of opportunities during and after school hours.

At our academy, we foster an inclusive environment where every learner can fully enjoy their educational experience. Our curriculum and learning opportunities are thoughtfully designed to ensure that all students have access to a comprehensive and well-rounded education.

Regular visits are scheduled to align with various curriculum areas in order to elevate and enrich the learning process. Beyond the scheduled visits held every half-term, teachers will organize extra experiences and enrichment activities to further enhance the learning experience.


At The Vale primary Academy, we se Jigsaw as our PSHE curriculum. This covers 6 areas;

  • Being me in the world
  • Celebrating differences
  • Dreams and goals
  • Healthy Me
  • Relationships
  • Changing me

Lessons are delivered age appropriately in line with the programme of study. Within the Jigsaw lessons, British values will be covered, as well as protected characteristics

What are British Values?

  • Tolerance
  • Respect
  • Individual Liberty
  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law

What are Protected Characteristics?

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

Why does a primary school talk about this?

It is against the law to discriminate against someone because of a protected characteristic. It is important, as well rounded citizens, that the children here at the academy are aware of this and hold mutual respect and understanding. Appropriate protected characteristics are discussed from Foundation Stage through school.

House Points at The Vale Primary Academy

At The Vale Primary Academy, we have implemented a house system to foster a strong sense of unity and belonging among our students. This system encourages a familial atmosphere and instills a sense of worth and camaraderie among peers throughout the academy. Moreover, the house system serves as a means to acknowledge and celebrate outstanding behavior among our students. Dojo points are earned by students not only for their exemplary conduct but also through their participation in various activities such as sports competitions, curriculum quizzes, and various inter-house contests. These points contribute to our overall goal of nurturing positive behaviour and reinforcing the values we hold dear at The Vale Primary Academy.

All children within the academy are part of one of 4 houses:

  • Aire
  • Dewent
  • Swale
  • Wharfe

Children can earn points throughout the day for behaviour which demonstrates effort and commitment to the academy ethos. Respect, Excellence, Pride, Compassion, Aspirations; Together we believe, accomplish and achieve.

RespectA child shows respect by listening attentively to their teacher and classmates when they are speaking and by using polite words like “please” and “thank you.”
ExcellenceA child demonstrates excellence by putting in their best effort in their schoolwork, always striving to improve, and taking pride in their accomplishments.
PrideA child displays pride when they take care of their school materials, complete their assignments neatly, and share their achievements with enthusiasm.
CompassionA child exhibits compassion by comforting a classmate who is upset, helping someone in need, or including everyone in a game or activity.
AspirationsA child shows aspirations by setting goals for their future, discussing their dreams with enthusiasm, and actively seeking opportunities to learn and grow.

All pupils experience a rich RSHE and SMSC curriculum, including British values. Please see link below to further information on our offer in these areas:

Implementation of Personal Development

Personal development is at the heart of our whole school ethos. We ensure each area of the personal development curriculum delivers all aspects of the statutory guidance and reflects our specific needs of our children and the wider school community.

We have staff and school leaders who delivers key areas of the personal development curriculum. SMSC and British Values, RSHE, Emotional Health and Wellbeing are taught alongside our Global Themed Curriculum by all staff. Leaders ensure that assemblies also reinforce these key areas.

The Personal Development curriculum is delivered through every aspect of school life; every interaction with another child or an adult in school is a learning experience. It includes activities and experiences that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build character and cultural capital, enhance children’s quality of life and encourage aspiration.

Curriculum breadth shaped by our curriculum global themes: – Identity and Diversity, Social Justice and Equity, Peace and Conflict, Sustainability, Power and Governance, Human Rights which are linked to the United Nation’s seventeen Global Goals which allows our pupils to think critically about world issues amidst our commitment to delivering high quality education.

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