Rewards & Consequences

Pupil Rewards
Our behaviour system is based on Positive Discipline. Around the academy children are expected to behave in the correct manner. For example, in the corridors, positive behaviour is walking sensibly. In the classroom, positive behaviour is working hard, listening to others and following instructions etc.
Inside the classrooms is a Positive Discipline chart with clear expectations and sanctions outlined. If a pupil’s behaviour is not positive, their name is placed in the verbal warning section of the pyramid.
Every adult in every classroom uses positive language. There is consistency right across the academy so all pupils know what positive behaviour looks like.
Children can earn themselves Dojo Points as rewards for a number of reasons around school, trying their best with their work, being polite etc.

These can then build up towards the children receiving a variety of rewards:
- Every 250 Dojo points = certificate
- 500 Dojo points – Bronze badge
- 1000 Dojo points – Silver badge
- 1500 Dojo points – Gold badge
- 2000 Dojo points – Book
- Every 100 Dojo points after 2000 = raffle ticket for a chance to win in a prize draw.
- 97% or above attendance = raffle ticket for a chance to win in a prize draw.
Reward Events
As an academy we strive to recognise the efforts and achievements of the children within our school. We hold regular reward events to celebrate the hard work our children commit to.
Some of our previous reward events include:
- Ice Cream Van visits
- Raffles which have included bikes, Playstation 5s, Kindles
- Fun Fair on-site
- Class parties
It is important to us that our children have a voice in their rewards.
We also reward attendance, which is explained further on our attendance page. If a class has 100% on a day, they will receive one of our school letters. Once all the letters have been collected, they will receive £20 for them to spend on a treat of their choice. They can also choose to save their money to buy something more of a higher value when they next receive £20.

Please visit our school twitter to find out more about our events and activities.